Amateur broadcaster: aymarsensual

 aymarsensual is Offline. Auto-Host mode enabled: lilithrose_2

None of your business is where I live and see me in private and preferably lets speak English or Spanish or french, I am 30 yrs old. I prefer if you call me Dominatrix Queen and I am named Aymarsensual and I was born the 4th of February 1993 and I have 13484 followers.

Aymarsensual on PornCamsFun

Name aymarsensual
Age 30
Gender Female
Birth Date 1993-02-04
Location N/A
Language(s) English,Spanish,french
Followers 13,484
Current Show Private
New Model N/A
Orientation Straight
Tags Mistress, Strapon, Latex, Femdom, Joi